
My name is Matthew Dobbs. I am seeking to be more aware of the existence in which I find myself experiencing. I have encountered a varied spectrum of human experience and I am and will be figuring out how to integrate the was, is, and will be till the day I’m gone.

I when I was a kid I wanted to be a minister but sought to seek instead. Then I wanted to be a soldier and found my wars, then I wanted peace. When I was child I wanted to know what love was like and eventually found and married my best friend in my late 20s.

I unexpectedly graduated from university seeking answers to questions I developed after my stint in the army; firstly, “How the hell did we get here as a nation?” and secondly, “how in the shit did we get here as a species?” I studied History and Anthropology and developed more questions as answers are finicky things that tend to be way more complicated.

Here I ask questions of myself and the universe in which I find myself thinking in an edited format.

Stand Defiant by Chris Johnson

Stand Defiant by Chris Johnson

One thought on “About

  1. Your stories are awesome. Though I had to research some words, they were truly insightful and thanks for sharing this publicly.


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